With restrictions becoming tighter this Fall/Winter, I think the entire community is looking for ways to continue to celebrate the holidays – and they should! This season is for being thankful, slowing down, and showing others they are loved. I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and spent time reflecting on our blessings. I know I did! There are too many blessings to count, even with the current times.
Christmas is up next, which may be everyone’s all time favorite holiday. It’s probably the nostalgia that comes with it, and the cozy, sentimental memories. That being said, there are many ways to continue all of the traditions this year, just maybe with a new mindset of respect and consideration for those around us. I put together a list of things that is easy for us to do around the holidays, and shows others you are thinking of their health as well.
- Shop Online – but Local! Many of our favorite small businesses around here have an online presence and they happily ship to you! This makes Christmas shopping easy, even if you don’t go to their brick and mortar in person. Remember, even if they do not have a shopping page on their website, almost all of the small businesses you can think of, would be happy to connect on social media and shop that way. Plus, getting packages in the mail is SO FUN!
- Small Changes at Family Dinner. Small changes like putting out paper towels by the bathroom sinks instead of hand towels, are easy to do and can limit the spread of germs! Another easy change is having one person serve each dish to the family, to avoid everyone touching the mashed potato spoon for example.
- Family Traditions. Some traditions may be tweaked, but in ways that are still fun and enjoyable. Considering doing a Secret Santa gift exchange instead of a grab bag! Again, this limits the contact of everyone touching an item over and over. Maybe bring the homemade taffy pre-made to the family event, instead of pulling it together if there are those attending that are extra cautious about their health.
- Keep the Joy and Thankfulness. This is key to the holidays! We can let the current situation affect our moods, and sit around and talk about it all night. Believe me, Jeff and I can fall into this trap if we let ourselves. But we have found that when we keep our spirits up, remember the Reason for the Season, and count our blessings, the holidays are just as special as they always are. The meaning of Thanksgiving and Christmas will never change, so let’s not let our moods change either!
- Cards to the Elderly. My heart breaks the most this year for those in nursing homes and hospitals. Total quarantine is hard, especially around the holidays. Make sure you are sending cards and notes of love to those who can’t get out!
I would love to hear other ways you all have been celebrating the holidays together – Thanksgiving, and now Christmas. Remember, let’s continue to support our local community and encourage the spirits of those around us.
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