As the new school year begins, parents are met with a myriad of emotions. Each new school year is such a clear mark of the passage of time in a child’s life. In light of this, now is a great time to map out some goals and be intentional about how to connect with your kids over the course of this next school year. If you recently moved and “unlocked new doors” in Central Illinois, this is even more important as your child is experiencing lots of change.
- Prioritize mealtime. At the end of a day with each family member focusing on their own tasks and in their own settings, bringing everyone together for a meal can be the springboard for meaningful connection that is so needed. A great way to do this is by putting phones and screens away, sitting down together, and focusing on the conversation. I love to think of meals as one of the only times in your day that the whole family is in the same place at the same time – these are moments to be treasured, and they do not last long. Trust me!
- Involve them in what you are doing. Kids want to be with you just as much as they want you to “play” with them – so take the tasks before you and turn them into an opportunity for quality time! Let them help you prep for dinner, grab a drink to share on the way to the grocery store, or let them stand on a chair beside you as you do the dishes. Grandkids are the same way, as I’m learning this in my own season of life!
- Ask open-ended questions. It can be discouraging when you want to connect with your child and hear about their day but struggle to get more than single-word answers to questions. I think every parent has experienced this at some point! One of the best ways to provide an open and safe place for your child to share is by asking open-ended questions, trying to avoid questions with “yes” or “no” answers. Give yourself and your child some grace if they still don’t feel like sharing – each child is different, and some days you will connect better than others. That’s okay!
- Connect while they’re at school. This one can employ a little bit of creativity and is a great way to remind your child that you love them, you are thinking of them, and you are there for them even while they’re at school! Draw a little picture or write a little note and slide it into their backpack or lunch box in the morning. Or if your child is older, shoot them a text to check in with them during the day!
These are some ways to connect that can go such a long way in keeping your bond with your child strong throughout the school year and beyond! I am cheering you and your kids on as you step into this new school year together, anticipating all that it will hold. What a gift it is to be parents of these kiddos and be their biggest cheerleaders in life! It goes so fast, too. Trust me on this. 🙂
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