As 2025 begins to unfold and we see patterns develop in real estate, this is a great opportunity to take a step back and look at what trends may rise to the surface over the next several months. The market is constantly evolving, with a wide range of factors contributing to its ebb and flow….
Ritthaler’s Remodel
I had the privilege to swing by my previous clients’, Sam and Megan’s, recently, and had a blast seeing the work they are currently doing to make their new house their very own. When Sam and Megan “unlocked new doors” at this house last year, they were so excited to learn that it had been…
Happy New Year, friends!
I hope this finds you enjoying the return to life as “normal” after the holiday season. The year 2025 is officially here, and with it, hopes and goals and excitement for what these next 12 months will hold. If you’re like me, you take the turn of the calendar year as a time to “take…
Family Room Makeover.
Hope you all had a relaxing Thanksgiving weekend! Now Christmas decorating is in full force! If you asked me for my favorite aspect of my job, I definitely could not give you an answer. There are so many favorite aspects for me! However, I DO know that visiting past client’s and seeing how they transformed…
Local Restaurants Selling Pre-Made Thanksgiving Meals.
It’s Thanksgiving week, friends! I always love this time of year, and the fact that we have a holiday set aside specifically for giving thanks. In a world that is constantly trying to sell us some new thing, encouraging us to push ourselves towards success, and keep up with the current that surrounds us, I…
Fall Cleaning + Maintenance Checklist.
There is so much to love about the changing of seasons. As we shift from one season to the next, it gives us a chance to change up our menu plans, our closets, and our home décor. It causes us to take a moment to catch our breath, reevaluate goals, and embrace all that comes…